General Settings

When applicable, code will be generated for you for dynamic element values. Choose your website type to ensure that the code will be compatible with your site.
The name of your website, not the URL. (i.e. "Google" not "".)
Search engines give a positive tick for updated copyright and there is a track back to the author. (Format: "[YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME] - [CURRENT YEAR]")
The full valid name of the page author's name. For example, "50% off until Saturday" is not a valid name.
The title of your website. Appears in tabs.
The full URL of your homepage so the search engine knows which is the official version.
This is an image associated with your media. Try to use an image of at least 1200x630 pixels. This image will be cropped and downsized to various sizes. Ensure you keep the file size below 1MB.
The date and time that this page was published. This is required and must be in the ISO-8601 format.
It's important to give your site a clear description in as few words as possible. Will be displayed in search engine results, as well as social sharing.
Not critical, but still used by some search engines. Keywords should be relevant and representative of the text found on the page. Avoid being overly general (i.e. not "news, london" but rather "south london news").
The type of page content. This will affect how various social media sites format your content. Make this as true to the page content as possible.
The primary language of the content. This helps direct automatic translation services where available. More info.


Your Facebook username, this is used to identify owners and enable Facebook Insights.


The authors twitter username, with or without the @.
Presents your content with a title, description, thumbnail, and Twitter account attribution. Differs only in size of thumbnail image. More about Twitter Cards.

Google Search

The link to your Google+ profile. This is to enable authorship markup in search results. For this to work, you need to make sure to have a link pointing back to this page on your Google+ profile and make your +1's public on your Google+ profile, see more.


The market that the article belongs to (e.g. "Lifestyle" or "Music"). Only a single word is accepted.